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Art Museum Extension

The site for designing the extension of the Museum of Art was on a sloping site next to a lake. Considering the topography of the site, the building has a origami form that wraps around the old museum builsing and gradually steps down towards the lake.

Complexity of the site topography was used as a design potential to blend the existing building with the new massing. Design aspects includes creating the massing in Revit that surrounds the old building and responds to the site topography. Also the cladding is designed to refl ect the same origami concept in the facade. The interior spaces are designed to be open and inviting with focus on natural light. Sophisticated techniques was used to generate a free form for the design while still adheres to the common detailing aspects.

Techniques Used:
Building Information Modeling: Autodesk Revit
Graphics: Photoshop
Visualization: VimTrek


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